The Inn at Deerfield

Providing "emotional support"
for seniors with dementia, in a home like setting.

A Licensed Supported Residential Care Home for Elders with Memory Disorders Located in the beautiful Country Setting of rural Deerfield, New Hampshire. The Inn at Deerfield was established to provide quality care to elders with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

Mission Statement
The Inn at Deerfield is dedicated to improving the quality of life of elders with dementia by providing care in a secure environment utilizing the social model of care, through supported residential care, respite and day care with an emphasis of the residents of Deerfield and its contiguous communities.

Call today for admission and tour information.



34 Ridge Road P.O. Box 87 - Deerfield, New Hampshire 03037 - 603.463.7002 - Fax 603.463.9721 -

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